How the Instagram Algorithm Works in 2023

How the Instagram Algorithm Works in 2023

Welcome to What I'm Reading!  Here's a look at what I found interesting over the last two weeks.  Hopefully these articles will help you in your business.

Social Media and the Interwebs

How the Instagram Algorithm Works in 2023 - Social Media Examiner
This is a nice, deep review of the Instagram algorithm.  I'm very familiar with the feed algorithm but this was a nice refresher on Stories and Reels for me.

Building in Public: Leveraging Twitter for More Reach - Social Media Examiner
This is a lot like two articles in one: Building in public and growing on Twitter.  I think that the building in public aspect is much more interesting because it can be done on any platform, not just Twitter.

A Look at the Comparative MAU and DAU Stats for All the Major Social Apps - Social Media Today
No real surprises here.  Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok lead the way in that order.  (MAU is Monthly Active Users, DAU is Daily Active Users)

It's not just you. LinkedIn has gotten really weird. - Business Insider
This article is about personal sharing, and oversharing, on LinkedIn.  I'm not quite sure what to make of it, but it's an interesting read.

Other Stuff

Texting Do’s and Don’t’s for 2023 - The Washington Post/Pocket
Since texting for business has become acceptable over the past several years, it's important to keep up with this stuff.  Still though, you'll have to pry the punctuation marks and capital letters from my cold, dead hands.

Why Employees Are Choosing To Stay in 2023 - B2B Reviews
Trying to keep your employees?  Here's how you do it.

How to get better at remembering names - FastCompany
People love the sound of their own names... and I'm terrible at remembering names.


7 Social Media “Icks”


Blogging is Good for SEO…