You need top quality professional photos and videos to represent your business. Think about this...
How often do you see a terrible headshot and think, "Hey, they're at the top of their field!"
How often do you see terrible event photos and think, "That looks like so much fun! I need to get to the next event!"
How often do you see a terrible photo of food and think, "Yummmmm!"
Build business. Strengthen brand. Entice customers.
Professional people and professional businesses use professional photography.
This is your chance to present yourself in the right light to your potential customers and clients. Creating a strong brand presence by using professional photos and videos will build your business and entice your customers. It's as simple as that.
Open Aperture Photography
Open Aperture Photography was founded as a wedding photography business in 2010. Commercial photography was later added on the side in 2013 and slowly began taking over the business as word of mouth grew. Branding video was added in 2019 due to the need for it amongst our clients.
Over the last several years, Open Aperture Photography has worked with international companies like PepsiCo, local landmarks like Tryon Palace and Beary Merry Christmas, and countless small businesses and individual business professionals.
About Owner/Photographer Bob Mackowski
Before I was a photographer, I moved around the country doing TV news. I moved from Pennsylvania, where I'm originally from, to Texas to Florida to North Carolina for various news jobs in the course of a few years. I assumed that NC would be another pitstop and I'd be on my way in two to three years. Instead, I fell in love with New Bern and put down roots. I’m here to stay.
In addition to photography and videography, I'm also an educational speaker. I speak for various colleges, chambers, and other community groups to teach small business owners how to run their businesses, market them, and create their own visuals. (You can visit my business site here.)
I have an energetic, spirited daughter, Victoria. She’s a true Daddy’s girl who loves to help on my professional projects.